Since then, my life has been mostly trying to excise the story ideas that swamp me, somewhat complicated by the fact that nearly nobody writes the stories I want to read about the characters I want to read them about. Which more or less leaves it up to me.
Right now, the EPIC STORY BUNNY is known as 'The Right Hand Knows Not' which is a Biblical quotation regarding secrecy in generosity and good works: basically, don't be a showoff. I'm using it in the context of secrecy and politics for this story: whereby the right hand knows not what the left hand doeth. It seemed appropriate.
The problem is getting into the action: it's all making sense in my head and working together, but I just can't find the words to write what I want to say. I trust that the words will eventually come - just as they did for my 'babyfic' "And Baby Makes Eight" which is basically a whole lot of cute, and angst, and consequences, and which I'm really rather proud and amazed at now that I've finished. You know when you write a story and you look at it and think 'Holy cow, that's kind of awesome, how did I do that?'
Yeah, that.
I haven't really written any profic for the last year - neither Laina, nor Ellie/Carlos really worked, although I have an idea for a profic that's basically a fanfic with the serial numbers scrubbed off. (Hey, it worked for E.B.White!)
So far as I know, the premise is that Earth has been taken over by aliens who possess humans and have basically enslaved the billions on Earth, pretty much using them as a disposable resource to push their explorations through the galaxy. During the occupation, a group of other humans arrives at Earth from another planet which has similar origins to Earth from tens of thousands of years ago. They're pretty much on the lam, but when they end up unbalancing the alien power structure on Earth, they become unexpected players in the fight to overthrow the alien overlords and take back the planet.
Pulpy sci-fi at its cliche best.
Anyway. That's the thought. Trying to make it reality? Much harder.
In the meantime, I have a mission-going-wrong to write.