This update has mostly been brought on by the interest some quilting women showed in my book choice for the Perfect Picnic blog-hop run by SEW We Quilt: Nalini Singh's "Shield of Winter" and a conversation I had at my 20 year reunion.
Tired of asking the same old questions of all my former classmates, I figured I'd go off the rails a little (now I wish I'd gone off the rails more). I asked a friend who was a fellow library monitor with me at school whether she still read, and if so, what?
We got into a discussion about various books - Twilight, Shades of Grey, Harry Potter - she recommended Robin McKinley's Sunshine for good vampire stories, I recommended Nalini Singh for great worldbuilding.
(Note to self: questions to ask next school reunion:
- most interesting book you've read in the last month?
- most interesting concept you've learned...?
- what have you been challenged by in your spiritual life lately? (Obvs. mostly for fellow Christians.)
- most interesting article you've read?
It could prompt some arguments, but I don't think so. I think we're intelligent enough to at least see why other people might look at things differently, even if we disagree, sometimes virulently.)
Anyway, I'm once again thinking of writing pro-fic. Not actually writing the stuff, mind you, just thinking. But we're nearly halfway through the year and I promised my cousin's wife that I'd have a MS for her come Christmas (and she'd have an MS for me at the same time).
And I might go back to the Shadowkids: bullying, growing up, learning how to accept who you are, coming into your own. Themes that resonate with me a lot as I think about 20 years since I left school and how I've changed.
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